Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Road Trip Boredom Bags | Trying to be Crafty Mama

As I was blog reading in the past month I came across a cute idea to make boredom bags when road tripping with your young children.  We're heading 'up north' this week and although my kids travel fine (as long as that movie is playing), I wanted to try something different.  I'd love to get away from them watching a movie the entire way up in the car.  Mostly for my own sake cause I get sick of hearing the same dialog on and on.

So I'm trying something different.  I made up these bags, each boy will get to open 1 for every hour we are in the car.  Our trip is only 4 hours long so I could easy make up 8 bags with stuff from around the house.  Each bag has an activity (or 2) and a treat.

Here they are all organized and ready to load in the car using my 31 Bag - Organizing Utility Tote.  I will put extra supplies in the side pockets.  I'll be using quite a few 31 bags for my upcoming trip, they make organizing a breeze.

First Hour: Tic Tacs, Crayola tongue dyeing taffy, notepad, new box of crayons and stickers. 
2nd Hour: Road Trip Bingo, Monsters 'mouth' sucker, and pipe cleaners. 
3rd Hour: Star Wars activity book, another crayola taffy, stickers, and DIY Cheerio necklaces. 
4th Hour, Pipe Cleaners again, dry erase board (new to them), stickers and another Crayola taffy. 

I don't expect these to keep them busy the entire time we are in the car, but perhaps we could *gasp* talk in between. 

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